About us

About us

Sustainable Tourism

At Emic Travel we believe that both the environment and local community should benefit from our business, and we are committed to producing long-term sustainable benefits.

With the aim to develop the community sustainably, we have been making a lot of efforts to provide high-quality tourism service as well as social development funds to support the poor and the disadvantaged, especially unfortunate children. Once you choose Emic Travel, you are joining your hands to the development of local communities.

We are engaged with the Travelife certification program and we have started the process to work step by step towards complying with its international sustainability standards.

Travelife is a three-stage certification program for tour operators and travel agents:

(1) Travelife Engaged

(2) Travelife Partner

(3) Travelife Certified.

Please view our sustainabitity policy here

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